Instant Location Pin Navigation

Immediately open the location pin navigation preview after scanning the QR code

This page will showcase how to add in the feature to open the location pin path preview after scanning the QR code.

Triggering the Location Pin Path Preview

In the scene "ARMapSession" you can trigger the location pin path preview with the following code:


We use the existing WindowManager and LocationPinViewHandler to open the panels required for the path preview.

Example 1: Passing Location Pin Information from the Scene

Selecting a Location Pin from the Creator Portal

The first thing we need to do is acquire a value from the location pin that we can reference. You can choose from the following location pin values: id, name, description, or notes.

In this example, we'll use the "notes" section, located under the "Advanced Settings" when selecting the location pins.

Modifying the SDK Code

Modifying the "Dashboard" Scene

You can add a new function to save a value to the PlayerPrefs that can be fetched when the "ARMapSession" scene is opened.

public void OpenLocationPinPreview(string destinationValue)
    // Find the MapsInfoManager GameObject
    GameObject mapsInfoManagerObject = GameObject.Find("MapsInfoManager");

    if (mapsInfoManagerObject != null)
        // Attempt to get the MapsInfoManager component
        MapsInfoManager mapsInfoManager = mapsInfoManagerObject.GetComponent<MapsInfoManager>();

        if (mapsInfoManager != null)
            // Set destination value in PlayerPrefs
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("NavToValue", destinationValue);

            // Start AR session

Modifying the "ARMapSession" Scene

In the file "Assets/ARway/ViewerMode/2_Scripts/SDK/ARMapLoader.cs" add the following function:

public void CheckForNavTo()
    if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("NavToValue"))

    string navToValue = PlayerPrefs.GetString("NavToValue");

    Dictionary<string, LocationPinUi> locationPinsWithID = ContentStorageManager.Instance.m_LocationPinsWithID;

    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, LocationPinUi> pair in locationPinsWithID)
        string id = pair.Key;
        LocationPinUi locationPinUi = pair.Value;
        string note = locationPinUi.locationPin.advanced.note;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(note) && note == navToValue)
            LocationPinUi? location = ContentStorageManager.Instance.m_LocationPinsWithID[id];
            if (location != null)

Then, include the function call at the end of LoadLocationpinContent, around line 111.

    #region WayPointContent
    foreach (Waypoint3d tour in arContent.waypoints3ds)
+   CheckForNavTo();  

Then in that same file, add the following to line #5:

using System.Collections.Generic;

Then, on line #15, add the following line PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ArwayKit.Viewer.InstructionRequired", 0); to the OnEnable function. This is to hide the pop-up that appears after entering the map, as we will be proceeding directly to the instant navigation instead.

private void OnEnable()
    ContentStorageManager.OnReadyForARContentInitialize += LoadARContent;
    LocationpinViewController.OnLocationPinConfigured += LoadLocationpinContent;
+   PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ArwayKit.Viewer.InstructionRequired", 0);

From there, if there is a matching value in the "notes" section of the Location Pin it will open the Location Pin Path Preview after the QR code is scanned, and the map content is loaded.

Example 2: Using the Anchor Description

Edit the Description of an Anchor to Include a Location Pin Name

In the Creator Portal Studio, select an Anchor, and then in the left menu, enter the following: InstantNav: locationPinName. We will use the "InstantNav:" portion as the identifier so that only if the keyword is present in the anchor that has been scanned, it will use the locationPinName to choose the instant navigation location pin. This means that you can replace "locationPinName" with the name of your location pin. Once you've added the description, click the "Save" button at the bottom, and then publish your map.

The location pin for instant navigation matches what has been set in the anchor description.

Modifying the SDK Code

In the file "Assets/ARway/ViewerMode/2_Scripts/SDK/ARMapLoader.cs" add the following function:

public void CheckForNavTo()
    string keyword = "InstantNav:";
    string lastQRCodeScanId = ArwayMapController.Instance.LastScanQRID();
    // Create a dictionary for faster lookup
    Dictionary<string, LocationPinUi> locationPinsWithID = ContentStorageManager.Instance.m_LocationPinsWithID;
    foreach (Anchor m_Anchor in
        if ( == lastQRCodeScanId && m_Anchor.description.StartsWith(keyword))
            // Extract location pin name directly without using Substring
            string locationPinName = m_Anchor.description.Substring(keyword.Length).Trim();
            foreach (var kvp in locationPinsWithID)
                LocationPinUi locationPinUi = kvp.Value;
                if ( == locationPinName)
                    return; // Exit loop if found

Then in that same file, add the following to line #5:

using System.Collections.Generic;

Then, on line #15, add the following line PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ArwayKit.Viewer.InstructionRequired", 0); to the OnEnable function. This is to hide the pop-up that appears after entering the map, as we will be proceeding directly to the instant navigation instead.

private void OnEnable()
    ContentStorageManager.OnReadyForARContentInitialize += LoadARContent;
    LocationpinViewController.OnLocationPinConfigured += LoadLocationpinContent;
+   PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ArwayKit.Viewer.InstructionRequired", 0);

Then at the bottom of the file, on line #139, add the line to the end of the LoadMapContent function, and the file will look like this:

    #region WayPointContent
    foreach (Waypoint3d tour in arContent.waypoints3ds)


Then you can build your app. When you add the keywords to the anchor description in the Creator Portal Studio, you can enable the instant navigation functionality in your customized app.

Last updated