Uploading Content

Uploading content to the Maps Studio

Content can be uploaded to the "Content Library" of the ARway dashboard for usage within the ARway maps.

What types of content can be uploaded?

ARway supports the following content types:

  • 3D models (.glb) with a file size limit of 10MB, 10K Polys

  • Images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg) with a file size limit of 3MB

  • Videos (.mp4) with a file size limit of 12MB

  • Audio files (.mp3, .wav, .m4a, .ogg) with a file size limit of 3MB

  • Floorplans (.png, .jpg, .jpeg) with a file size limit of 20MB

You can also add hotspots (hyperlinks) to your map for a more interactive experience.

Last updated