
How floorplans work with ARway

What is the Floorplan Auto-Alignment feature?

ARway's Floorplan auto-alignment feature allows users to easily align their digital content to the physical space using a 2D floorplan image. The feature scales and rotates the floorplan to ensure quick and accurate alignment. To align their floorplan using the ARway app, users are required to place six pegs in their space in AR.

How do I align my floorplan?

Client can utilize the floorplan alignment tool to align their selected floorplan with the AR content. The steps for alignment are as follows:

  • User uploads a floorplan during map creation in the Maps Studio.

  • In the app they will be prompted to align the floorplan.

  • User will place the pegs in their space and match the positioning on a 2D floorplan.

​Where should I place the pegs?

Make sure that the pegs are aligned correctly with your floorplan, if one peg is in the wrong spot it will cause issues with alignment. Place the pegs with the bottom of the tip being where it should be.

​What are the best practices for floorplan alignment?

  • Use a JPG or PNG file for the floorplan image.

  • Place the 6 pegs in easily identifiable areas on the floorplan, within a 20-meter radius of the initial access point to minimize drift.

Last updated